
Nutrition is a science of calories and carbohydrates but it is also an art - art of persuasion, altering the dietary habits keeping in mind clients’ lifestyle - their likes, dislikes, what is practical, doable and sustainable.

Nutrition is the cornerstone in the prevention and treatment of many, if not most of lifestyle diseases that afflict us.

Medical Nutrition Therapy

Medical Nutrition Therapy is very important for:

- Chronic renal failure/nephropathy
- Underweight
- Eating disorders: Anorexia and Bulimia
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBS)
- Osteoporosis
- Cancer treatment
- Low energy levels
- Food intolerances eg. gluten-free diet.

Nutrition for Healthy Population

Nutrition plays an important role in healthy population. The population groups that benefit the most from nutrition inputs are:

- Pregnant women
- Growing children
- Gymming population, who can get the best out of their workouts if they optimise their nutrition goals.

Nutrition Program For Corporates

With the increasing awareness and the obvious benefits observed, a lot of corporates are paying more attention to the health of their employees and also to their eating habits.

We have devised nutrition programs for corporates, which may involve devising a weekly healthy menu for the in-house canteen, group lectures and individual counselling for the employees.